Friday, August 13, 2010

Bleach Movie 4: Jigoku Hen (Hell Chapter)

The 4th Bleach Movie, "Jigoku Hen (Hell Chapter)", will have Kubo Tite personally over looking the production.

Official Website:

Animation Production: Studio Peirrot

Release Date (in Theaters): December 4th, 2010


Summary: "HELL". is the place where a person is sent to who committed violent crimes when they were alive. SHINIGAMIs are forbidden to go there. One day prisoners revolt and make their escape to the KARAKURA-town where Ichigo and his friends live in. Ichigo and his friends are defeated one after the other by prisoners with overwhelming power. A mystery man appears ("KOKUTOO) who comes to their rescue. With Kokutoo leading the way Ichigo, Rukia, Uryuu, and Renji marches into HELL to save the world.

Now an endless, desperate struggle breaks out between Ichigo and his friends with the TOGABITO!